What turnaround can I expect for mailing?
Direct Mail Manager works on a 3-5 businesses day turnaround from when we have all the parts. If you wish to have the mail brought to the Post Office on a specific day or you do not have 5 days leeway, please let us know and we will do our best to satisfy this request.
Does Direct Mail Manager print directly on the mail pieces?
Printing directly on the mail piece is Direct Mail Manager’s preferred method of addressing. In the rare times when it is not possible white labels with black ink are affixed to the mail piece.
Which formats do you accept for mailing lists?
Direct Mail Manager accepts Excel files and comma delimited text files (.xls, .xlsx, .csv). Simply send the list as an attachment to an email. Our email address is info@DirectMailManagerRI.com. To help us keep to schedule we request that you send us the mailing file as soon as possible.
Export instructions (how to send address list to Direct Mail Manager)
Download Instructions. PDF
What are the size requirements for my mail piece?
- First-class postcards - minimum size is 3 1/2"x5”; maximum size is 6"x9". Must be wider than it is tall
- Letters - minimum size is 3 1/2"x5"; maximum size is 6”x10 1/2" and 1/4" thick. Must be wider than it is tall
- Flats - must be rectangular but NOT square and meet the following size requirements: Height - minimum 6.3"; maximum 12"; Length - minimum 6.3"; maximum 15"; Weight limit to mail with Direct Mail Manager is 3 ounces.
What are the tabbing requirements for my mail piece?
To receive the lowest rates from the Postal Service some pieces require tabs to be on the open edge. This prevents them from jamming in the Postal Service's equipment.
- Folded pieces with NO staple require two tabs.
- Letter size mail pieces with staples requires 3 tabs.
- Flats require no tabs.
Which type/class of mail should I choose?
Consider the class that best suits your budget requirements and expected delivery time of your mailing. First-class mail delivers in 2-5 business days and automatically includes returns for undeliverable addresses. If delivery time is not critical for your mailing, you may want to consider mailing via Standard presort, which has a general delivery time frame of 1 to 5 business days longer than First- class mail. Note that USPS does not guarantee a delivery date for mail.
What will my postage rate be?
Postage costs are dependent upon the size, weight and thickness of your printed piece, as well as the class of service you choose (First-class or Standard). The following are ranges for each class of mail. If you need a more specific postage quote we would be happy to provide one for you once we have the mailing file.
- 38-46 cents per First-class postcard – minimum quantity 500 mail pieces; maximum size is 6"x9". Must be wider than it is tall
- 55-64 cents per Presorted First-class letter – weighing under 2 ounce; minimum quantity 500 mail pieces; maximum size is 6”x10 1/2" and 1/4" thick. Must be wider than it is tall
- 35-40 cents per presorted Standard letter - weighing under 3 ounces; minimum quantity 200 mail pieces; maximum size is 6”x10 1/2" and 1/4" thick. Must be wider than it is tall
- 17-23 cents per presorted Standard letters for Non-Profits - weighing under 3 ounces; minimum quantity 200 mail pieces; maximum size is 6”x10 1/2" and 1/4" thick. Must be wider than it is tall
- In General non-letter size pieces weighing more than 3 ounces cost 28 cents more in postage.
I am a Non-Profit. Can I receive extra postage discount?
Yes. If you are registered with the Newport Post office you will automatically receive the Non-Profit postage discount of 40%. If the Non-Profit organization is not registered with the Newport Post Office you will need to fill out a form before your first mailing.
What is a permit or indicia?
The indicia, also called a permit, is the equivalent of a postage stamp and includes the type of mailing, postal permit number and Post Office that issued the permit. Here are Direct Mail Manager’s permits, which you may use at no charge when mailing with us.
Profit Permit: |
Non-Profit permit |
First-class permit |
There are no requirements for font size or style. The Post Office does request the permit be about 1”x1” and placed on the mail piece where you would normally place a stamp.
Who puts the permit (indicia) on my mail piece?
We mail your jobs through our local Post Office business mail entry unit in Newport RI. In order for Direct Mail Manager to mail your job, it must include a Newport Permit. You may use ours at no charge. We recommend that you have the printer print the permit on your mail piece. If it is not on the mail pieces we will apply the permit on to your mail piece or if you prefer a precanceled stamp can be affixed to the piece.
Can I use a precanceled stamp on my mail piece?
A precanceled stamp can be used in place of a printed permit. They are similar in appearance to First-class stamps but allow the mailer to receive discounted postage on their mailings. A return address is required on all mail pieces when using precanceled stamps. Direct Mail Manager would be happy to provide the precanceled stamp and affix them on your mail pieces.
How do I pay for postage?
Postage is paid by check before mailing can be brought to the Post Office. Direct Mail Manager does not accept credit cards.
Will you warehouse and mail our products?
No. Direct Mail Manager is not a fulfillment company.
Can you mail to foreign addresses?
No, Direct Mail Manager can mail only to US addresses.
What does Direct Mail Manager do to identify people on my mail list who have moved?
As part of Direct Mail Manager’s services we will process your mail list through NCOAlink (National Change of Address). NCOAlink uses data updated by the U.S. Postal Service every week to identify individuals, families and businesses that have registered with the Post Office that they have moved. Direct Mail Manager will automatically mail to the new addresses and send you a report. Please note that this is required by the Post Office to receive any postage discounts.
Do you do match mail?
Direct Mail Manager does offer variable data letter printing (black ink-1 sided) along with match mail service. Please contact us for more information at (401)847-6245 or email info@DirectMailManagerRI.com